and passion for what I do.

Who I AM ?

I am a GIS Developer with a passion for creating innovative and visually appealing web applications that utilize the power of geographic information systems (GIS) data. My expertise in GIS technologies, including mapping, geocoding, and spatial analysis, allows me to create web applications that are not only beautiful but also functional and effective.
I have a strong background in web development languages, as I am always looking for new ways to incorporate emerging technologies into my projects. I am an analytical and creative thinker, constantly searching for opportunities to use GIS data to solve complex problems and create innovative solutions.
My experience includes developing GIS-based web applications using popular mapping APIs such as OpenLayers or Leaflet, designing and developing databases to manage GIS data, and integrating GIS data with other web technologies such as databases and APIs.I also have a great experience using open-source GIS software such as QGIS. GIS data.


Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
M.Sc.Innovative Solutions in Geomatics
Riga Technical University
M.Sc.Innovative Solutions in Geomatics
Cairo University
Bachelor of Civil Engineering


Characteristics and Dynamics of the Latvian, Lithuanian, and Egyptian Marine Cadastre.

FIG Congress 2022, Warsaw, Poland.

AI-Based Satellite Image Classification: An Analysis of Different Algorithms on PlanetScope and SentinelImagery

26th Conference for Junior Researchers „Science – Future of Lithuania“

Responsible for:

•Mapping solutions, application functionality, interface designs, and databas infrastructure.
•Developing applications using OpenLayers, Leaflet, Geoserver, and MapServer.
•Maintain and support applications according to changing business requirements.
•Design, develop and implement systems and databases for a geospatial data structure.
•Perform geospatial modeling and spatial analysis.
•Standardize geographic data.
•Review GIS data for accuracy.
•Administer and troubleshoot applications and GIS solutions.

GIS Data Engineer
ViaGIS 2022 – present

•Manage or analyze data obtained from remote sensing systems to obtain meaningful results.
•Developing spatial data layers using GIS technology, equipment, and systems.
•Presenting data to clients and preparing report's detailing legal boundaries and other relevant information.
•Develop or build databases for remote sensing.
•Develop technical or scientific databases.
•Designed, documented, and implemented spatial system administration procedures.

GIS & RS Engineer
EDGE Pro forInformation Systems 03/2020 – 09/2021

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